Innovation in a decentralized blockchain infrastructure can be used by medicine as a prerequisite for the exchange of patient data. Developments in the medical device industry that support the technology of the internet of things and wireless sensor networks also facilitate the examination of patient medical records that no longer require visits to the practice of doctors or hospitals which in some cases takes in a considerable time. Not to mention the consideration of traffic congestion and busy routine in the work. Patients can check their healthcare concerns using only sensors such as e-Health Sensor Shield Platform which then sends recording results through the transmission line to the data lakes. However, this patientâs medical record data is very confidential and may only be accessed by certain parties only. This required the design of the concept of security in the transmission of data so that the data does not leak to parties who are not eligible. This paper attempts to provide an overview of the concept of using encryption with an asymmetric key for securing data from sensors to data lakes before forwarding to a decentralized, interconnected blockchain infrastructure.
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Published on 01/01/2018
Volume 2018, 2018
DOI: 10.1108/978-1-78756-793-1-00100
Licence: Other
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