
The solutions obtained for low Reynolds-number incompressible flows using the same flow solver and solution technique on body-fitted, embedded surface and immersed body grids of similar size are compared. The cases considered are a sphere at Failed to parse (syntax error): Re = 100

and an idealized stented aneurysm. It is found that the solutions using all these techniques converge to the same grid-independent solution. On coarser grids, the effect of higher-order boundary conditions is noticeable. Therefore, if the manual labor required to set up a body-fitted domain is excessive (as is often the case for patient-specific geometries with medical devices), and/or computing resources are plentiful, the embedded surface and immersed body approaches become very attractive options.
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Published on 01/01/2007

DOI: 10.1002/fld.1604
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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