F. Pedrosa, C. Andrade
Behavior, time evolution and variability of the corrosion process in reinforced concrete structures is an important factor to have in mind if structural service life is to be determined. Corrosion development and its consequences over time are often empirically deduced. It would be significant to improve as much as possible the prediction accuracy of corrosion process behavior. In the present paper, a series of hygrothermal and corrosion data obtained for indoor and outdoor reinforced concrete specimens are summarized by means of descriptive statistics. For a T-beam exposed to continental weather conditions, temperature, relative humidity, corrosion potential and corrosion current density measurements were taken since the year of 1993. The same measurements were made for an outdoor pile exposed to the same conditions. The indoor studied specimens are two small slabs exposed to lab conditions for which corrosion measurements were taken in the first 96 days period. Chloride was added to the concrete mixture of one specimen in order to accelerate the corrosion process. Electrochemical corrosion rate measurements using modulated confinement of the current were taken by means of Gecor 8 system device. Temperature and relative humidity were measured both inside and outside of the outdoor specimen using a probe. Hygrothermal and corrosion results were plotted on time scale in order to visualize possible correlations. A first approach to a statistical analysis is made by describing the raw data obtained by means of average value and standard deviation for different variables. Results show that the accumulated corrosion progress linearly in time. In the outdoor exposed specimen two corrosion rates Icorr were noticed, being the highest for the first period where no cracks were yet produced. After cracking occurs corrosion rate decreases. No direct relation between RH and Icorr was observed.
Published on 01/01/2011
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-2703-8_4Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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