J. Rodríguez, C. Andrade
Cracks appears in reinforced concrete structures as something inherent to the material they are composed. Causes of diverse kind advise to control this cracking, considering it can not be prevented. The durability of reinforcements is, till now, the reason that has determined, in most structures, the study and the control of this cracking. In this report, the information contained in certain standards in force (CP-110; ACI-318-83; B.A.E.L. 80; MODEL CODE AND EH-82) about the characteristics the concrete must have and about the cracking in pieces of reinforced concrete under pliability attempts, are analysed and resumed, trying to judge later its connection with the corrosion phenomenon in reinforcements
Published on 01/01/2012
DOI: 10.3989/ic.1984.v36.i366.1884Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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