N. Piera
In June 1994 the ARCA group was founded in order to enhance communication between Spanish professionals either directly on indirectly related to Qualitative Reasoning. Thus we are talking about a new-born group which tries to follow mainly the working pattern of the French QR group, established in 1987 and closely partner of ARCA, both in research and organization matters. Our group maintains also important relationship with other European clusters and is a integrated in the now in progress European QR Network.
ARCA is structured around five research lines; the members of each one contact each other on a personal and non programmed basis, but two general meetings a year are scheduled so as to, in the one hand letting every “ARCher” learn about every other’s activities and, on the other hand, starting up projects involving the whole group.
Published on 29/01/19Submitted on 29/01/19
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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