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This chapter describes the algorithmic basis of a computational intelligence technique, based on a neuro-fuzzy system, developed with the objective of assisting nonexpert profes­sionals of building construction to evaluate the damage and safety of buildings after strong earthquakes, facilitating decision-making during the emergency response phase on their habitability and reparability. A hybrid neuro-fuzzy system is proposed, based on a special three-layer feedforward artificial neural network and fuzzy rule bases. The inputs to the system are fuzzy sets, taking into account that the damage levels of the structural components are linguistic variables, defined by means of qualifications such as slight, moderate or severe, which are appropriate to handle subjective and incomplete information. The chapter is a contribution to the understanding of how soft computing applications, such as artificial neural networks and fuzzy sets, can be used to complex and urgent processes of engineering decision-making, like the building occupancy after a seismic disaster.

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Published on 01/01/2007

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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