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==1 Title, abstract and keywords<!-- Your document should start with a concise and informative title. Titles are often used in information-retrieval systems. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible. Capitalize the first word of the title.
==Abstract ==
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An abstract is required for every document; it should succinctly summarize the reason for the work, the main findings, and the conclusions of the study. Abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. For this reason, references and hyperlinks should be avoided. If references are essential, then cite the author(s) and year(s). Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself. -->==
Economic rationality dictates that investment in the supply of transport should be prioritized where there is demand, but the policies followed by Spanish governments over the past decades do not seem to respond to this logic. The case of the Mediterranean Corridor as it passes through Spain is paradigmatic. The coastal axis from the Pyrenees to Algeciras is the origin or destination of 62% of long-distance traffic in Spain (that is, for distances of 300 km or more, which are essentially those for which the railway can be a means of transport competitive). For this reason, the FERRMED association estimates that investments in the Mediterranean Corridor would contribute 94% of the total economic benefits that European corridors would bring to Spain. It therefore seems that these investments should have a higher priority than others comparable to regions with less demand for transport such as those in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula. This, however, is not what is happening, and the Mediterranean Corridor is being harmed not only by very long delays but also by a comparatively lower "low-cost" design than is being applied to regions with much less demand in the interior of the Peninsula. By now we can already predict that this design, as it is conceived, will not provide the benefits that would justify this colossal pan-European investment.
The aim of this work is to analyze the recent history and design of the Mediterranean Corridor as it passes through Spain.
It combines data from various sources, among which it is worth highlighting two very recent studies in which the author of this communication (Eduard Gracia) took part, specifically:
==2 The main text<!-- You can enter and format the text of this document by selecting the ‘Edit’ option in the menu at the top of this frame or next to the title of every section of the document. This will give access to the visual editor. Alternatively, you can edit the source of this document (Wiki markup format) by selecting the ‘Edit source’ option.
Gracia, Eduard (2022): Sticks on wheels: the Mediterranean Corridor and the logic of power in Spain. Vincle Foundation ((Bastons-a-les-rodes-al-Corredor-Mediterrani-Eduard-Gracia-Fundacio-Vincle.pdf (fundaciovincle.com))
Most of the documents in Scipedia are written in English (write your manuscript in American or British English, but not a mixture of these). Anyhow, specific publications in other languages can be published in Scipedia. In any case, the documents published in other languages must have an abstract written in English.
FERRMED (2023): Study of traffic and modal shift optimization in the EU (llibre FERRMED-separata.indd) (Eduard Gracia is responsible for the economic analysis section of this study).
<li> The design of the European railway corridors as they pass through Spain does not seem to respond to the basic economic logic according to which it is necessary to invest in additional transport supply as a priority where there is demand, given that the axes with the most traffic (basically on the Mediterranean coast ) rather more limited technical solutions are being implemented than on lines with much less traffic demand.</li>
2.1 Subsections
<li> Therefore, and beyond the worrying delays in its implementation, the design of the Mediterranean corridor as currently planned cannot offer the capacity and services necessary to achieve the objectives that justify this colossal work - in particularly the European objective of transporting by rail/combined transport 30% of the goods that travel by land (today in Spain it is 5%) towards the year 2030.</li>
Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1.1, 1.2, etc. and then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ... Use this numbering also for internal cross-referencing: do not just refer to 'the text'. Any subsection may be given a brief heading. Capitalize the first word of the headings.
2.2 General guidelines
La racionalitat econòmica prescriu que la inversió en oferta de transport es faci prioritàriament allà on hi ha demanda, però les polítiques que han seguit els governs espanyols durant les darreres dècades no semblen respondre a aquesta lògica. El cas del Corredor Mediterrani al seu pas per Espanya és paradigmàtic. L’eix litoral del Pirineu a Algesires és origen o destinació del 62% del tràfic a Espanya de llarga distància (és a dir, per distàncies de 300 km o més, que són essencialment aquelles per les que el ferrocarril pot ser un mitjà de transport competitiu). Per això, l’associació FERRMED estima que les inversions al Corredor Mediterrani aportarien un 94% del total de beneficis econòmics que aportarien els corredors europeus a Espanya. Sembla doncs que aquestes inversions haurien de tenir una prioritat superior a d’altres comparables a regions amb menys demanda de transport com ara les del nord-oest de la península Ibèrica. Això, tanmateix, no és el que està passant, i el Corredor Mediterrani s’està veient perjudicat no només per llarguíssims endarreriments sinó també per un disseny “low-cost” comparativament inferior al que s’està aplicant a regions de molta menys demanda a l’interior de la Península. A hores d’ara ja podem predir que aquest disseny, tal com està concebut, no proporcionarà les prestacions que justificarien aquesta colossal inversió pan-europea.
Some general guidelines that should be followed in your manuscripts are:
*  Avoid hyphenation at the end of a line.
L'objectiu d’aquest treball és analitzar la història recent i el disseny del Corredor Mediterrani al seu pas per Espanya.
*  Symbols denoting vectors and matrices should be indicated in bold type. Scalar variable names should normally be expressed using italics.
S’hi combinen dades de diverses fonts, entre les que cal destacar dos estudis molt recents en l’elaboració dels quals l’autor d’aquesta comunicació (Eduard Gracia) ha pres part, en concret:
*  Use decimal points (not commas); use a space for thousands (10 000 and above).
Gracia, Eduard (2022): Bastons a les rodes: el Corredor Mediterrani i la lògica del poder a Espanya. Fundació Vincle (Bastons-a-les-rodes-al-Corredor-Mediterrani-Eduard-Gracia-Fundacio-Vincle.pdf (fundaciovincle.com))
*  Follow internationally accepted rules and conventions. In particular use the international system of units (SI). If other quantities are mentioned, give their equivalent in SI.
FERRMED (2023): Study of traffic and modal shift optimisation in the EU (llibre FERRMED-separata.indd) (Eduard Gracia és responsable de la secció d’anàlisi econòmica d’aquest estudi).
<li> El disseny dels corredors ferroviaris europeus al seu pas per Espanya no sembla respondre a la lògica econòmica bàsica segons la qual cal invertir en oferta addicional de transport prioritàriament allà on hi ha demanda, atès que als eixos amb més tràfic (fonamentalment al litoral mediterrani) s’estan implementant solucions tècniques força més limitades que a altres línies amb molta menys demanda de tràfic.</li>
2.3 Tables, figures, lists and equations
<li> Per tant, i més enllà dels preocupants endarreriments en la seva implementació, el disseny del corredor mediterrani tal com està previst a hores d’ara no pot oferir la capacitat i prestacions necessàries per a assolir els objectius que justifiquen aquesta obra colossal – en particular l’objectiu europeu de transportar per ferrocarril/transport combinat el 30% de les mercaderies que viatgin per via terrestre (avui a Espanya és el 5%) cap a l’any 2030.</li></ol>
Please insert tables as editable text and not as images. Tables should be placed next to the relevant text in the article. Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text and place any table notes below the table body. Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the data presented in them do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article.
Graphics may be inserted directly in the document and positioned as they should appear in the final manuscript.
Number the figures according to their sequence in the text. Ensure that each illustration has a caption. A caption should comprise a brief title. Keep text in the illustrations themselves to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbreviations used. Try to keep the resolution of the figures to a minimum of 300 dpi. If a finer resolution is required, the figure can be inserted as supplementary material
For tabular summations that do not deserve to be presented as a table, lists are often used. Lists may be either numbered or bulleted. Below you see examples of both.
1. The first entry in this list
2. The second entry
2.1. A subentry
3. The last entry
* A bulleted list item
* Another one
You may choose to number equations for easy referencing. In that case they must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right hand side of the page. Below is an example of formulae that should be referenced as eq. (1].
2.4 Supplementary material
Supplementary material can be inserted to support and enhance your article. This includes video material, animation sequences, background datasets, computational models, sound clips and more. In order to ensure that your material is directly usable, please provide the files with a preferred maximum size of 50 MB. Please supply a concise and descriptive caption for each file. -->==
==3 Bibliography<!--
Citations in text will follow a citation-sequence system (i.e. sources are numbered by order of reference so that the first reference cited in the document is [1], the second [2], and so on) with the number of the reference in square brackets. Once a source has been cited, the same number is used in all subsequent references. If the numbers are not in a continuous sequence, use commas (with no spaces) between numbers. If you have more than two numbers in a continuous sequence, use the first and last number of the sequence joined by a hyphen
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==4 Acknowledgments<!-- Acknowledgments should be inserted at the end of the document, before the references section. -->==
==5 References<!--[1] Author, A. and Author, B. (Year) Title of the article. Title of the Publication. Article code. Available: http://www.scipedia.com/ucode.
[2] Author, A. and Author, B. (Year) Title of the article. Title of the Publication. Volume number, first page-last page.
[3] Author, C. (Year). Title of work: Subtitle (edition.). Volume(s). Place of publication: Publisher.
[4] Author of Part, D. (Year). Title of chapter or part. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title: Subtitle of book (edition, inclusive page numbers). Place of publication: Publisher.
[5] Author, E. (Year, Month date). Title of the article. In A. Editor, B. Editor, and C. Editor. Title of published proceedings. Paper presented at title of conference, Volume number, first page-last page. Place of publication.
[6] Institution or author. Title of the document. Year. [Online] (Date consulted: day, month and year). Available: http://www.scipedia.com/document.pdf.

Latest revision as of 10:27, 1 June 2024



Economic rationality dictates that investment in the supply of transport should be prioritized where there is demand, but the policies followed by Spanish governments over the past decades do not seem to respond to this logic. The case of the Mediterranean Corridor as it passes through Spain is paradigmatic. The coastal axis from the Pyrenees to Algeciras is the origin or destination of 62% of long-distance traffic in Spain (that is, for distances of 300 km or more, which are essentially those for which the railway can be a means of transport competitive). For this reason, the FERRMED association estimates that investments in the Mediterranean Corridor would contribute 94% of the total economic benefits that European corridors would bring to Spain. It therefore seems that these investments should have a higher priority than others comparable to regions with less demand for transport such as those in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula. This, however, is not what is happening, and the Mediterranean Corridor is being harmed not only by very long delays but also by a comparatively lower "low-cost" design than is being applied to regions with much less demand in the interior of the Peninsula. By now we can already predict that this design, as it is conceived, will not provide the benefits that would justify this colossal pan-European investment.


The aim of this work is to analyze the recent history and design of the Mediterranean Corridor as it passes through Spain.

It combines data from various sources, among which it is worth highlighting two very recent studies in which the author of this communication (Eduard Gracia) took part, specifically:

Gracia, Eduard (2022): Sticks on wheels: the Mediterranean Corridor and the logic of power in Spain. Vincle Foundation ((Bastons-a-les-rodes-al-Corredor-Mediterrani-Eduard-Gracia-Fundacio-Vincle.pdf (fundaciovincle.com))

FERRMED (2023): Study of traffic and modal shift optimization in the EU (llibre FERRMED-separata.indd) (Eduard Gracia is responsible for the economic analysis section of this study).


  1. The design of the European railway corridors as they pass through Spain does not seem to respond to the basic economic logic according to which it is necessary to invest in additional transport supply as a priority where there is demand, given that the axes with the most traffic (basically on the Mediterranean coast ) rather more limited technical solutions are being implemented than on lines with much less traffic demand.
  2. Therefore, and beyond the worrying delays in its implementation, the design of the Mediterranean corridor as currently planned cannot offer the capacity and services necessary to achieve the objectives that justify this colossal work - in particularly the European objective of transporting by rail/combined transport 30% of the goods that travel by land (today in Spain it is 5%) towards the year 2030.



La racionalitat econòmica prescriu que la inversió en oferta de transport es faci prioritàriament allà on hi ha demanda, però les polítiques que han seguit els governs espanyols durant les darreres dècades no semblen respondre a aquesta lògica. El cas del Corredor Mediterrani al seu pas per Espanya és paradigmàtic. L’eix litoral del Pirineu a Algesires és origen o destinació del 62% del tràfic a Espanya de llarga distància (és a dir, per distàncies de 300 km o més, que són essencialment aquelles per les que el ferrocarril pot ser un mitjà de transport competitiu). Per això, l’associació FERRMED estima que les inversions al Corredor Mediterrani aportarien un 94% del total de beneficis econòmics que aportarien els corredors europeus a Espanya. Sembla doncs que aquestes inversions haurien de tenir una prioritat superior a d’altres comparables a regions amb menys demanda de transport com ara les del nord-oest de la península Ibèrica. Això, tanmateix, no és el que està passant, i el Corredor Mediterrani s’està veient perjudicat no només per llarguíssims endarreriments sinó també per un disseny “low-cost” comparativament inferior al que s’està aplicant a regions de molta menys demanda a l’interior de la Península. A hores d’ara ja podem predir que aquest disseny, tal com està concebut, no proporcionarà les prestacions que justificarien aquesta colossal inversió pan-europea.


L'objectiu d’aquest treball és analitzar la història recent i el disseny del Corredor Mediterrani al seu pas per Espanya.

S’hi combinen dades de diverses fonts, entre les que cal destacar dos estudis molt recents en l’elaboració dels quals l’autor d’aquesta comunicació (Eduard Gracia) ha pres part, en concret:

Gracia, Eduard (2022): Bastons a les rodes: el Corredor Mediterrani i la lògica del poder a Espanya. Fundació Vincle (Bastons-a-les-rodes-al-Corredor-Mediterrani-Eduard-Gracia-Fundacio-Vincle.pdf (fundaciovincle.com))

FERRMED (2023): Study of traffic and modal shift optimisation in the EU (llibre FERRMED-separata.indd) (Eduard Gracia és responsable de la secció d’anàlisi econòmica d’aquest estudi).


  1. El disseny dels corredors ferroviaris europeus al seu pas per Espanya no sembla respondre a la lògica econòmica bàsica segons la qual cal invertir en oferta addicional de transport prioritàriament allà on hi ha demanda, atès que als eixos amb més tràfic (fonamentalment al litoral mediterrani) s’estan implementant solucions tècniques força més limitades que a altres línies amb molta menys demanda de tràfic.
  2. Per tant, i més enllà dels preocupants endarreriments en la seva implementació, el disseny del corredor mediterrani tal com està previst a hores d’ara no pot oferir la capacitat i prestacions necessàries per a assolir els objectius que justifiquen aquesta obra colossal – en particular l’objectiu europeu de transportar per ferrocarril/transport combinat el 30% de les mercaderies que viatgin per via terrestre (avui a Espanya és el 5%) cap a l’any 2030.
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Published on 01/06/24
Submitted on 19/04/24

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