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This research aims to develop an advanced numerical model to accurately predict and optimize the acoustic insulation performance of roller shutter boxes, which are important for thermal and acoustic insulation in building facades. Traditional laboratory tests for evaluating sound transmission can be expensive and lack repeatability, particularly at low frequencies. To overcome these limitations, the proposed numerical approach utilizes the finite element method to model solid and fluid domains within the roller shutter box structure. Poroelastic layers are accounted for using a mixed displacement-pressure formulation of the Biot poroelasticity equations. Excitation and sound radiation are simulated using a diffuse field of plane waves with random phases and directions, employing the infinite elements method. The numerical model is validated by comparing its results with laboratory tests, which are described in detail. The practical application of this numerical method includes investigating factors such as assembly conditions, positioning of poroelastic layers, and the inclusion of heavy masses on the acoustic behavior of roller shutter boxes.
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<pdf>Media:Draft_Sanchez Pinedo_585704642pap_94.pdf</pdf>

Latest revision as of 14:04, 2 November 2023


This research aims to develop an advanced numerical model to accurately predict and optimize the acoustic insulation performance of roller shutter boxes, which are important for thermal and acoustic insulation in building facades. Traditional laboratory tests for evaluating sound transmission can be expensive and lack repeatability, particularly at low frequencies. To overcome these limitations, the proposed numerical approach utilizes the finite element method to model solid and fluid domains within the roller shutter box structure. Poroelastic layers are accounted for using a mixed displacement-pressure formulation of the Biot poroelasticity equations. Excitation and sound radiation are simulated using a diffuse field of plane waves with random phases and directions, employing the infinite elements method. The numerical model is validated by comparing its results with laboratory tests, which are described in detail. The practical application of this numerical method includes investigating factors such as assembly conditions, positioning of poroelastic layers, and the inclusion of heavy masses on the acoustic behavior of roller shutter boxes.

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Published on 02/11/23
Submitted on 02/11/23

Volume Sharing Advances in Modelling Techniques for Fluid-Structure Interaction, 2023
DOI: 10.23967/c.coupled.2023.035
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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