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<big>'''Research & Development Projects '''</big></div>
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<big>'''in Biomedical Engineering'''</big></div>
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<big>'''On going RTD projects:<br/>'''</big></div>
'''Synapsys'''<big>''' - '''</big>'''NeuroInformatic-Support System for the Molecular Characterization and Therapeutic Approaches in SYNaptopathies'''
Coordinator: UIC
Partners: CIMNE, UIC, UL, Leibniz Institute of Polymers Research Dresden, Stockholm University, Università di Camerino, UniCAM, UAB, D-Pharma Ltd, NHIT, NBIO
'''Nynfa -'''<big>''' '''</big>'''Bio-Informatics Decision Support System for Characterization and Treatment of Neurological Diseases'''
==Convocatoria: ayudas de proyectos de investigación fundamental no orientada==
Coordinators UIC
Partners: CIMNE, UIC
'''CARE 4 ME -'''<big>''' Cooperative Advanced REsearch for Medical Efficiency'''</big>
Ente: ITEA 2 Information Technology for European Advancement
Coordinator: Philips HealthCare
Partners: Philips HealthCare, CIMNE, VTT, ISI, Alma IT Systems, Sapheneia, Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bull
==Daedalus - The Virtual Dental Patient==
Coordinator: Attenborough Dental Laboratories
Partners: Attenborough Dental Laboratories, CIMNE, Nottingham University, Aristotle University, FIMI Philips, DIGILEA SA
<div style="text-align: right; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;">
<big>'''Finished RTD projects:<br/>'''</big></div>
'''Estudio de soportes cardiovasculares '''Coordinator: IberHospitex
Partners: CIMNE, UPM, Tecknalia, Robotiker
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'''SIMCV. '''- '''Simulación del comportamiento del corazón y periferia vascular en condiciones sanas y patológicas. Aplicación al diseño y evaluación de dispositivos intravasculares y válvulas cardiacas'''
Ref: DPI2004-07410-C03-02
Coordinador: Universidad de Zaragoza
Partners Universidad de Zaragoza CIMNE, Universidad de Sevilla
'''Disheart.DSS - Grid based decision support system for assisting clinical diagnosis and interventions in cardiovascular problems'''
Coordinador: CIMNE
Partners: I3A, Technical University Graz, TIMC-IMAG, COMPASS,HEARTCORE, George Mason University, ENDOART, QUANTECH (ES)

Revision as of 16:16, 26 January 2017

Research Lines & RTD Project in Biomedical Engineering

Centre Internacional de Metodes Numerics a l'Enginyeria - CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain

Research Lines & RTD Project in Biomedical Engineering:

Computational Fluid Dynamics
Solid and Structural Biomechanics
Health Decision Support Systems
Cardiovascular System
Artificial Intelligence
Pre and post processing

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* Stabilized finite element and finite difference methods in incompressible biofluid mechanics.

* Bio-Absorption theory application in vessel structures for atheroma plack and biochemical studies.

* Finite element methods for fluid flow and analysis.

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* Numerical methods applied in multidisciplinary problems in fluid biomechanics (fluid structure interaction, thermal flows, absorption theory etc).

* Coupling 3D with 2D or 1D models to improve study details.

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* Finite element methods for linear and non

linear analysis of solids structures.

* Coupled problems in solid biomechanics

(fluid structure interaction, thermal flows, absorption theory etc).


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Finite element methods for biomechanical devices analysis and

prototype design (stent, prosthesis, etc).

* Finite element methods analysis of solid

biology structures (hearth mechanics,

vessel stresses response, etc).

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* Development of intelligent platform to help physician work, informatization of routinely medical work.

* Finite element use to improve medical diagnosis and to perfect analysis processes.

* Biostatistical models applied ad hoc for several medical problems and cases.


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Bioinformatic technology solutions to coupled finite elements methods with biostatistical tools and artificial intelligence.

* Monte-Carlo methods for stochastic analysis in computational biomechanics and in biofluid dynamics.

* Parameter identification via stochastic methods.

* Coupling of TIC solutions, stochastic methods and finite element methods to improve and get faster medical analysis and decision

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Development of simulation platform for cardiovascular problems.

* Finite element for the simulation of problematic scenarios (aneurism, lumen obstruction, deformation, etc).


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Finite element for the study of cholesterol and platelets vessel absorption.

* 1D-Vessel model of whole human body. General information coupled to specific 2D or 3D studies.


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Reconstruction of real geometries starting by DICOM images.

* Automatic 2D and 3D geometries for vessel obstruction or aneurisms formation analysis.

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Development of biocompatible geometries for internal or external devices (stents, internal prosthesis, etc).

* Finite element for stress testes with biomaterials and medical devices.

* Design and study of biocompatible devices for human medical use or experimental use.


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New constitutive models for biomaterial and shape memory materials.

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* Parameter identifications in constitutive

models of biomaterials.

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Development of artificial neural networks (ANN) for optimization, inverse analysis and medical decision support fast decision taking.

* Integration of artificial neural networks (ANN) in decision support systems combining wireless sensors, computer simulations methods and artificial intelligence technology.


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Development of artificial intelligence techniques based in agent simulations.

* Applications of artificial neural networks (ANN) technology for parameter identification in constitutive laws

* Development of intelligent finite element methods via Al Technology

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Finite element methods for the analysis of brain cellular activity in pathological and physiological scenarios.

* 1D Finite element methods to study the propagations of neuronal signals in complex networks.


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Statistical methods to fast response in biochemical brain analysis.

* Dementia diseases studies: finite element methods and bioinformatic solutions to reinforce the investigation about the causes of several brain dysfunction.

* Amyloids, Polymers and Cerebral Membrane Characterization

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Magnetic Resonance (2D)

2D Detail


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Deformable isosurface model

Meshing of heart and aorta

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Meshing of heart

3D heart

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Segmentation and 3D reconstruction

of medical images.

* Meshing of segmented geometries: creation of surface meshes or volume meshes.

* Visualization of 4D images (3D + time), creation of flux vectors and study of time developing in the image.

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* Anatomical real cases.

* Coupling with simulation programs and with finite element methods solver.

* Friendly platform and portability of the informatics solutions adopted.

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Finite Element Method for the simulation of the urinary bladder and its parts like the destrusor (little smooth muscle)

* Study of biological materials and its multi-scale hierarchy, creation of simplificated models with classical nonlinear continuum mechanics theory.


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Characterization of destrusor-tissue model is based in the representation (based on hyperelastic matrix, and viscoelastic fibres)


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Analisys of the interaction between bladder wall with urine modelled via the Particle Finite Element Method (PFE

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* Development and maintenance of GiD pre and post processing system (

* Development of methods for generating structure and unstructured meshes.


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Development of input data technology for large scale computational problems.

* Graphical visualization techniques for large scale simulation problems.

* Generation of input data for finite element analysis from medical images.

* Meshless methods for parameterization of geometries for shape optimization problems.

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Published on 01/01/2009

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