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In the Netherlands a program for the enhancement of quality in the restoration of monumental buildings is presently carried out, stimulated by national authorities and coordinated by the foundation ERM. Guidelines are issued by the branches involved, from architects to masons, under guidance of an experts’ committee, to perform interventions on monuments and assess them. The aim of this paper is to discuss the contributions to the program offered by different actors active in the field of conservation, the existing synergies and the potential of using a common language and approach. These are needed to facilitate communication and exchange knowledge. The use of the terminology of MDCS (Monument Diagnosis and Conservation System) can help create a community of stakeholders. Sharing the damage terminology and methodology can help achieving a clear and systematic assessment of damage and its causes. It can further improve the communication among all stakeholders, including owners and laymen, stimulating cooperation, and can allow monitoring of damage and interventions.

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Published on 30/11/21
Submitted on 30/11/21

Volume Management of heritage structures and conservation strategies, 2021
DOI: 10.23967/sahc.2021.137
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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