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The thesis addresses the challenges related to management of energy storage with electric vehicles (EVs). Charging of EV batteries is a time-consuming process with the current state of technology and therefore, the process of charging is often coupled with the process of parking. This thesis builds on that assumption and proposes a solution how to design a parking lot with EV charging functionality so that the parking lot operator's profit is maximized while, simultaneously, the need of EV owners for parking and energy is fulfilled. Therefore, this thesis focuses on EV energy storage management through answering the questions when, where, at what price, and how long an EV should park in an EV-enabled parking spot. The original scientific contribution has been achieved as follows: - An energy storage model of electric vehicles realized as a multi-agent system consisting of electric vehicle agents, parking lot agent and electricity market agent. - Algorithms (policies) for managing energy storage based on contextual and technical factors describing electric vehicles and a parking lot, and economic inputs from electricity market. - Evaluation and techno-economic analysis of proposed algorithms for managing energy storage through an agent-based simulation of electric vehicle enabled parking lot. Doktorski se rad bavi izazovima vezanim uz upravljanje skladištenja energije s pomoću električnih vozila (EV-a). Punjenje baterija EV-a trenutno je dugotrajan proces zbog čega se navedeni proces često uparuje s procesom parkiranja. Disertacija koristi navedenu pretpostavku te predlaže rješenje za dizajn parkirališta s uslugom punjenja EV-a na način da je profit operatora parkirališta maksimiziran te da su zadovoljene potrebe vlasnika EV-a vezane uz parkiranje i punjenje. Zbog toga se disertacija fokusira na upravljanje skladištenjem energije s pomoću električnih vozila odgovaranjem na pitanja kada, gdje, po kojoj cijeni i koliko dugo EV-evi moraju parkirati na parkirno mjesto s punjačem. Ostvaren je sljedeći izvorni znanstveni doprinos: -Model skladištenja energije s pomoću električnih vozila, ostvaren kao višeagentski sustav koji se sastoji od agenata električnih vozila, agenta parkirališta i agenta tržišta električne energije. -lgoritmi (pravila) za upravljanje skladištenjem energije zasnovani na kontekstualnim i tehničkim obilježjima električnih vozila i parkirališta te relevantnim ekonomskim podacima s tržišta električne energije. -Evaluacija i tehno-ekonomska analiza predloženih algoritama za upravljanje skladištenjem energije kroz agentsku simulaciju parkirališta s podrškom za električna vozila.
The different versions of the original document can be found in:
Published on 31/12/17
Accepted on 31/12/17
Submitted on 31/12/17
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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