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== Full document ==

Latest revision as of 18:44, 26 January 2021


Analizom procesa kretanja vozila duž linije identifikovani su parametri koji utiču na širenje poremećaja intervala sleđenja. Na osnovu utvrđenih relacija između parametara, formiran je deterministički model. Modelom je predstavljeno širenje i slaganje više prostih poremećaja intervala sleđenja po stajalištima duž linije i po polascima u redu vožnje na jednoj liniji javnog gradskog prevoza putnika. U radu je izvršena matematička analiza složenog uticaja različitih parametara na širenje poremećaja intervala sleđenja vozila. Rezultati analize su pokazali da je u fazi projektovanja sistema u velikoj meri moguće uticati na sekundarne poremećaje intervala sleđenja i preventivno delovati na povećanje stepena ravnomernosti intervala sleđenja na liniji. U skladu sa zaključcima analize modela razvijen je postupak optimizacije kojim se sa aspekta vremena boravka putnika u sistemu i dostignute ravnomernosti intervala sleđenja, vrednuje podela dijametralne linije na dve radijalne.</p>

An analysis of the process of vehicle movement along the line was used to identify the parameters which influence irregular headway propagation. The established relations between the parameters were used to form a deterministic model. The model describes the propagation and concurrence of numerous primary headway irregularities by the stops along the line and by the scheduled departure times at one urban public transport system line. The paper presents a mathematical analysis of the complex effect of various parameters on the irregular headway propagation. The results of the analysis have shown that the secondary headway irregularites could be largely affected during the transport system design phase, thus preventing the increase in the degree of headway uniformity along the line. In accordance with the conclusions of the model analysis, an optimisation method has been developed, which is used to evaluate the division of the diametrical line into two radial lines from the aspect of on-line travel time and the achieved headway uniformity. Document type: Doctoral thesis

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The different versions of the original document can be found in:

http://www.cris.uns.ac.rs/record.jsf?recordId=101309&source=OpenAIRE&language=en under the license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/uk/

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Published on 01/01/2016

Volume 2016, 2016
Licence: Other

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