(Created page with " == Abstract == This report presents design principles and algorithms for building a fast-time scheduler of arrival aircraft based on a FCFS (first-come-first-served) schedul...") |
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This report presents design principles and algorithms for building a fast-time scheduler of arrival aircraft based on a FCFS (first-come-first-served) scheduling protocol and non FCFS. The algorithms provide the conceptual and computational foundation for the Traffic Management Advisor (TMA) of the Centre/terminal radar approach control facilities (TRACON) automation system, that's it an arrival manager (AMAN concept). The primary objective of the scheduler is to assign arrival aircraft to a favourable landing runway and schedule then to land at times that minimize delays. In order to solve the problem a fast time simulator platform was selected by Eurocontrol (the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation) named AirTOp. Many problems in that module, as for example the lack of information about the code, the fact that for changing one small parameter, the process involved takes more than 2 or 4 months or the fact that EUROCONTROL is paying a special license only to use this specific module has brought to think in a better solution. This solutions entails the creation of a separate module from zero, a plugin, due to AirTOp is providing and API (Application Programming Interface) where the user can create, retrieve or modify the data during the simulations. The creation of this module was made in Java due to AirTOp is programmed in Java and allows easily the creation of a plugin. A plugin is an external module that can use some information from the main software, and allows the user to model and create some new information, such as a new AMAN. In the creation of the AMAN plugin two solution has been tested, in order of complexity to continue programming, an FCFS time schedule algorithm (First Come First Served) and a non-FCFS time schedule algorithm. By the end of this project a full AMAN was created in Java with Eclipse, helping the Air Traffic Controllers to manage the situation with better solutions, it can reduce the average delays up to 20% (depending of the case) and it improves the time constraint feasibility in a 17%. A full deployment and distribution of this plugin has been made for the ATM/RDS/ATS unit in Eurocontrol, unit in charge of the research and development for the Air Traffic Management and Air Traffic Services improvements and innovations. In addition a user guide for the creation of a plugin has been created, explaining all required steps to develop a generic plugin.
The different versions of the original document can be found in:
Published on 01/01/2015
Volume 2015, 2015
Licence: Other
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