(Created page with " == Abstract == The development of logistics has contributed a lot to all the branches of economy. A successful economic subject cannot exist without a well-developed logisti...") |
m (Scipediacontent moved page Draft Content 527474149 to Zelenika et al 2006a) |
(No difference)
The development of logistics has contributed a lot to all the branches of economy. A successful economic subject cannot exist without a well-developed logistic branch. The organization of logistics has become a strategic element of the policy making of enterprises. Modern logistics enables us to bring into line different interests in material flow management. Global organizers of logistic services are developing and specialising in some essential services, such as combining of cargo into assembly consignements and also their distribution. The biggest global tenderers of logictic services are considered (DHL, TNT, FEDEX, UPS, etc). Razvoj logistike je v veliki meri pripomogel k razcvetu vseh panog gospodarstva. Ni uspešnega gospodarskega subjekta, ki ne bi imel zelo razvito vejo logistike. V gospodarstvu postaja organiziranost logistike strateški element vodenja podjetij. Logistika torej sodi med tista področja, ki bodo pomembno vplivala na naše življenje, zato je razvoj logističnega sistema izjemnega pomena, tako za gospodarstvo kakor tudi za negospodarske dejavnosti. Torej nam sodobna logistika omogoča uskladitev različnih interesov v upravljanju materialnega toka. Razvijajo se globalni organizatorji logističnih storitev, ki se razvijejo in specializirajo na nekaj ključnih storitev, med katere spada združevanja tovora v zbirne pošiljke ter tudi sama distribucija teh pošiljk. Med največje globalne ponudnike logističnih storitev prištevamo podjetja kot so: DHL, TNT, FED EX, UPS ...
The different versions of the original document can be found in:
Published on 01/01/2006
Volume 2006, 2006
DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v18i5.707
Licence: Other
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