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Traffic accidents that occur on freeways often end tragically because of high driving speed. Wrong-way driving is also one of the causes of accidents on freeways. Research is based on the analysis of traffic accident data caused by wrong-way driving on freeways and considering valid technical specifications for connections and junctions design elements. Research is based on the analysis of the data of traffic accidents that occurred because of wrong-way driving on freeways and on the consideration of valid technical specifications concerning connections and junction design elements. The thesis presents possible countermeasures for prevention of wrong-way driving and consequential decrease in the number of traffic accidents. The proposed prevention countermeasures of wrong-way driving on freeways could greatly reduce incorrect traffic vehicle movements that are the consequence of wrong-way driving and thus positively enhance the traffic safety level on freeways. Prometne nesreče na avtocestah so zaradi velike hitrosti vožnje velikokrat tragične. Eden od vzrokov nastanka prometnih nesreč na avtocesti je tudi nepravilna smer vožnje. Raziskovalno delo je zasnovano na analizi podatkov o prometnih nesrečah zaradi nepravilne smeri vožnje na avtocestah, ter na osnovipoznavanja posameznih projektnih elementov vozlišč in priključkov. Predlagani ukrepi za preprečevanje nepravilne smeri vožnje na avtocestah lahko v veliki meri zmanjšajo število nepravilnih prometnih manevrov, ki imajo za posledico nepravilno smer vožnje in s tem pozitivno vplivajo na raven prometne varnosti na avtocestah.

Original document

The different versions of the original document can be found in:

https://plus.si.cobiss.net/opac7/bib/512003901?lang=sl under the license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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Published on 01/01/2017

Volume 2017, 2017
DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v19i5.966
Licence: Other

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