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We live in a time of continuous technical and technological development. It is the time of globalization which is the main driver of the technological procedures in the process of executing transport services. Railway transport in Europe requires special attention, since it has a number of attributes which are not being effectively used. Measures to reduce the use of road network have been prepared, which would consequently increase railway transport. Individuals in personal vehicles could reduce transport costs with the increasing use of railway transport.The introduction of car trains in Europe is also supported by the European Union, but there has been very little done in the European car train system. The first goal of the European union seems to be understandable : using piggyback transport to redirect as much road freight transport as possible to the European railway system. Car trains in the integrated European rail system are one of numerous possibilities of how to offer a user of personal vehicle and his fellow passengers a safe, comfortable,economical and ecologically acceptable way of travel on a specific distance in the local or global sense of combined transport of vehicles and passengers. Živimo v času nenehnega tehničnega in tehnoloÅ¡kega razvoja. Živimo v času globalizacije, ki je glavno gonilo tehnoloÅ¡kih postopkov v procesu izvajanja prometnih storitev. Posebno pozornost je potrebno posveti železniÅ¡kemu transportu, saj ima veliko pozitivnih lastnosti, ki jih v Evropi se ne izkoriščamo dovolj. Pripravljeni so ukrepi, ki bi zmanjÅ¡ali uporabo cestnega omrežja, s čimer bi se povečal železniÅ¡ki transport. Posamezniki v osebnih avtomobilih bi tako z večjo rabo železniÅ¡kega transporta zmanjÅ¡ali prevozne stroÅ¡ke. Uvajanje avtovlakov v Evropi podpira tudi Evropska unija, vendar je bilo v evropskem sistemu avtovlakov zelo malo narejenega. Prvi cilj unije v oprtnem transportu je razumljiv, da se čim več cestnega tovornega prometa, preusmeri na evropski železniÅ¡ki sistem. Avtovlaki v integriranem evropskem železniÅ¡kem sistemu so ena od Å¡tevilnih možnosti, kako uporabniku osebnega vozila in njegovim sopotnikom ponuditi varno, udobno, varčno in ekoloÅ¡ko sprejemljiv način potovanja na določeni relaciji v lokalnem ali globalnem smislu kombiniranega prevoza vozil in potnikov.

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The different versions of the original document can be found in:

https://plus.si.cobiss.net/opac7/bib/12807190?lang=sl under the license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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Published on 01/01/2017

Volume 2017, 2017
DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v21i5.1017
Licence: Other

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