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Recently, many of the foreign traffic-safety analyses point out the low level of traffic safety in multi-lane roundabouts. This problem is resolved in several ways in different countries however, the solution, whereby the number of conflict points is diminished (e.g. turbo roundabout) has proven to be the most successful. However, the turbo roundabout also has its deficiencies: it has conflict crossing points and larger reconstruction of the existing two-lane roundabout is needed when the turbo roundabout is to be implemented instead of the existing one. In the paper a new type of roundabout has been introduced the roundabout with “depressed” lanes for right turning (“the flower-roundabout”). Financially speaking, the main advantage of the new type of roundabout is that it can be implemented within the dimensions of the already existing “normal” two-lane roundabout. From the traffic-safety point of view, the main advantage of the new type of roundabout is that it has no crossing conflict points. V zadnjem času mnoge tuje prometno-varnostne analize kažejo na nizko raven prometne varnosti večpasovnih krožnih križišč. Ta problem v različnih državah rešujejo na različne načine, kot najuspešnejši pa se je pokazal način z zmanjševanjem števila konfliktnih točk (npr. turbo krožno križišče). Vendar ima tudi turbo krožno križišče svoje pomankljivosti: ima konfliktne točke križanja ter v primeru, da želimo izvesti turbo krožno križišče namesto obstoječega dvopasovnega križišča, je potrebna večja rekonstrukcija križišča. V prispevku je predstavljen novi tip krožnega križišča - krožno križišče s "pritisnjenimi" pasovi za desno zavijanje. Glavna prednost takšnega tipa krožnega križišča je, da ga je možno izvesti znotraj meja obstoječega dvopasovnega krožišča. S stališča prometne varnosti ta tip krožnega križišča nima konfliktnih točk križanja.

Original document

The different versions of the original document can be found in:

https://plus.si.cobiss.net/opac7/bib/15507990?lang=sl under the license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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Published on 01/01/2012

Volume 2012, 2012
DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v23i5.153
Licence: Other

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