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The power flow model performs the analysis of electric distribution and transmission systems. With this statement at hand, in this work we present a summary of those solvers for the power flow equations, in both algebraic and parametric version. The application of the Alternating Search Direction method to the power flow problem is also detailed. This results in a family of iterative solvers that combined with Proper Generalized Decomposition technique allows to solve the parametric version of the equations. Once the solution is computed using this strategy, analyzing the network state or solving optimization problems, with inclusion of generation in real-time, becomes a straightforward procedure since the parametric solution is available. Complementing this approach, an error strategy is implemented at each step of the iterative solver. Thus, error indicators are used as an stopping criteria controlling the accuracy of the approximation during the construction process. The application of these methods to the model IEEE 57-bus network is taken as a numerical illustration.

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Published on 01/01/2018

DOI: 10.1007/s11831-017-9223-6
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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