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Continuous Galerkin formulations are appealing due to their low computational cost, whereas discontinuous Galerkin formulation facilitate adaptative mesh refinement and are more accurate in regions with jumps of physical parameters. Since many electromagnetic problems involve materials with different physical properties, this last point is very important. For this reason, in this article we have developed a combined cG–dG formulation for Maxwell’s problem that allows arbitrary finite element spaces with functions continuous in patches of finite elements and discontinuous on the interfaces of these patches. In particular, the second formulation we propose comes from a novel continuous Galerkin formulation that reduces the amount of stabilization introduced in the numerical system. In all cases, we have performed stability and convergence analyses of the methods. The outcome of this work is a new approach that keeps the low CPU cost of recent nodal continuous formulations with the ability to deal with coefficient jumps and adaptivity of discontinuous ones. All these methods have been tested using a problem with singular solution and another one with different materials, in order to prove that in fact the resulting formulations can properly deal with these problems.
Published on 01/01/2011
DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2011.09.058
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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