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Nowadays the marine renewable energies are getting an important role in the transformation of the energy model. And tools for predicting the performance of these new technologies are essential in their commercial development. An example of these are floating wind turbines (FWT), and this work presents the coupling and verification of a set of tools to carry out fully coupled simulation of FWTs. These tools are built on the seakeeping software SeaFEM [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and on the aeroelastic simulator code FAST [6].
Nowadays the marine renewable energies are getting an important role in the transformation of the energy model. And tools for predicting the performance of these new technologies are essential in their commercial development. An example of these are floating wind turbines (FWT), and this work presents the coupling and verification of a set of tools to carry out fully coupled simulation of FWTs. These tools are built on the seakeeping software SeaFEM and on the aeroelastic simulator code FAST.
First, the basic features of each tools are explained. Second, a coupling strategy to assess the performance of FWTs is presented. Third, the results obtained coupling SeaFEM-FAST are used for an inter-code comparison against those obtained coupling Hydrodyn-FAST. Forth, an intensive analysis of a FWT based on the NREL 5 MW baseline is carried out taking into account the environmental conditions of the selected location. These coupled computations are carried out following the Design Load Cases proposed by IEC rules [7] to assess the Ultimate Limit State (ULS). Finally, some comparison and conclusions based on the obtained results are drawn.
First, the basic features of each tools are explained. Second, a coupling strategy to assess the performance of FWTs is presented. Third, the results obtained coupling SeaFEM-FAST are used for an inter-code comparison against those obtained coupling Hydrodyn-FAST. Forth, an intensive analysis of a FWT based on the NREL 5 MW baseline is carried out taking into account the environmental conditions of the selected location. These coupled computations are carried out following the Design Load Cases proposed by IEC rules to assess the Ultimate Limit State (ULS). Finally, some comparison and conclusions based on the obtained results are drawn.
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[https://upct-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/jose_gutierrez_upct_es/EenzXAmZeZJNu5ARnuw_PyMB1Ug_YJ19RljemovkL4aPKg?e=jBcTaT MARINE PRESENTATION]
==4 Acknowledgments<!-- Acknowledgments should be inserted at the end of the document, before the references section. -->==
==5 References==
[1] Serván-Camas B. 2016. A time-domain finite element method for seakeeping and wave resistance problems. School of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. Technical University of Madrid. Doctoral thesis.
[1] Serván-Camas B. 2016. A time-domain finite element method for seakeeping and wave resistance problems. School of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. Technical University of Madrid. Doctoral thesis.

Latest revision as of 08:23, 17 May 2019


Nowadays the marine renewable energies are getting an important role in the transformation of the energy model. And tools for predicting the performance of these new technologies are essential in their commercial development. An example of these are floating wind turbines (FWT), and this work presents the coupling and verification of a set of tools to carry out fully coupled simulation of FWTs. These tools are built on the seakeeping software SeaFEM and on the aeroelastic simulator code FAST.

First, the basic features of each tools are explained. Second, a coupling strategy to assess the performance of FWTs is presented. Third, the results obtained coupling SeaFEM-FAST are used for an inter-code comparison against those obtained coupling Hydrodyn-FAST. Forth, an intensive analysis of a FWT based on the NREL 5 MW baseline is carried out taking into account the environmental conditions of the selected location. These coupled computations are carried out following the Design Load Cases proposed by IEC rules to assess the Ultimate Limit State (ULS). Finally, some comparison and conclusions based on the obtained results are drawn.


Gutierrez Romero et al 2019a 8751 snapshot.jpgMARINE PRESENTATION


[1] Serván-Camas B. 2016. A time-domain finite element method for seakeeping and wave resistance problems. School of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. Technical University of Madrid. Doctoral thesis.

[2] Serván-Camas, B., and Garcia-Espinosa, J. (2013). Accelerated 3D multi-body seakeeping simulations using unstructured finite elements. Journal of Computational Physics 252, 382–403.

[3] Gutiérrez-Romero, J. E., García-Espinosa, J., Serván-Camas, B., Zamora-Parra, B. (2016). Non-linear dynamic analysis of the response of moored floating structures. Marine Structures 49, 116-137. Marine Structures 58, 278–300

[4] Serván-Camas, B., Cercós-Pita, J. L., Colom-Cobb, J., García-Espinosa, J., SoutoIglesias, A. (2016). Time domain simulation of coupled sloshing–seakeeping problems by SPH–FEM coupling. Ocean Engineering 123, 383–396.

[5] Serván-Camas, B., Gutiérrez-Romero, J. E., Garcia-Espinosa, J. (2018). A time-domain second-order FEM model for the wave diffraction-radiation problem. Validation with a semisubmersible platform.

[6] Jonkman, J.M. Buhl Jr. M.L. FAST user's guide Technical Report NREL/EL-500-38230 National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado, USA (2005). www.nrel.gov

[7] IEC 61400-3:2009 Design requirements for offshore wind turbines. www.iec.ch

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Published on 15/05/19
Submitted on 15/05/19

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