A. Walther
There is no doubt that in a globalized market (highly competitive and demanding, which seeks excellence, honesty and business creativity) Public Relations must be constructed as a social science, multidisciplinary and flexible, directed not only to the attainment of corporate objectives, but also to follow closely the development of rural communities, the various guilds, unions and NGOs; institutions, State authorities and citizen groups in general.
Only a deep understanding of the purpose of Public Relations holistic (committed to the progress and well-being of the country) and the empathic comprehension of positions and demands of the various social actors will legitimize extractive activities in conflict scenarios (such as can currently be seen in Peru) and the consequent strengthening of the financial dynamics of the country; the increase in rates of employment, the reduction of extreme poverty; and the creation of solidarity links between business class and society: both gathered in a joint and civic work.
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Published on 01/10/18Submitted on 01/10/18
Licence: Other
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