J. Martí-Herrero
The familiar low cost biodigestores are an important tool for urban and rural development. These natural systems fulfill the criteria of appropriate technology, producing biogás and improved natural fertilizer, through the anaerobic digestion of organic remainders. Also the health and hygiene of the families, as well as of the cattle, affect positively, being a sustainable handling environmentally of remainders that otherwise are polluting. The potential of this technology in Bolivia is very high, and once it has already been developed to cover the three different regions (Altiplane, valley and jungle), validated like development tool and accepted by the families, it is precise `to popularize the technology', so to make it accessible to the greater number of people. In this article a review to the development of the biodigestores in Bolivia, its adaptation to high altitudes, as well as the learned lessons is made, to in the end comment the first steps that already are occurring to popularize this technology.
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Published on 01/01/2007
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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