I. Ergas, N. Dozic, E. Sanz, P. Alonso, J. García-Espinosa
This document presents the actions taken under Task 5.2 “Selection of students for the demonstration actions”, to launch the call for candidates to participate in the ProdPhD pilot action and prepare the ground for their selection. This call for candidates was open to all the fields of studies of the WEGEMT associates and other collaborating universities (see Table 1) and reached an estimated number of 500 PhD candidates from 29 universities at 16 European countries. The development of the pertinent actions commenced in the end of 2021 and was completed in M19 (June 2022), where communication via e-mails, video calls, phone calls and (limited, due to covid restrictions) physical visits was utilized.
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Published on 21/02/23
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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