
Gegenstand der Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines tour-basierten Verkehrsnachfragemodells zur Abbildung von Aktivitätenketten unter Berücksichtigung von raum-zeitlichen constraints. Den theoretischen Hintergrund bildet ein hierarchisch organisierter Entscheidungsprozess, um die theoretisch [...]


Electric vehicles (EVs) have been discussed as a promising alternative to conventional cars and as a potential solution for mitigating environmental problems caused by road transport. This study analyzes the potential of the commercial use of EVs and the factors influencing user acceptance [...]


Greenhouse gas emissions, in particular CO2 emissions, are a major environmental problem caused mainly by the transportation and the energy sectors. Electric vehicles have been proposed as a solution for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in road transport. At the same time their [...]


It is hoped that Automated Driving (AD) will make alternatives to the private car more attractive and facilitate the transition to sustainable transport. However, this expectation may underestimate both the resistance of private automobility and the unintended consequences of automated [...]