Given the significant current challenges for the socio-economic situation of the country, it is important to monitor the main indicators of the financial situation of the public, which emphasizes the relevance of this work. The goal of the study is to analyze statistical and sociological indicators of income and poverty of the population, as well as the need for additional social assistance. The objectives of the study are to analyze the dynamics of the following indicators: real disposable incomes of the population, the real size of the assigned pensions, the real wages of employees of various organizations, the retail turnover, the consumer price index, the total cash income, the amount of remuneration for employees of various organizations, the structure of cash income, the usage structure of cash incomes, the share of the population with cash incomes below the poverty line. Within the framework of the sociological section, the objective of the study is to analyze the public opinion about the financial situation of the families and its change, the availability of savings, and the need for social support. The methods used include the review of Rosstat data for 2022, as well as the analysis of findings from a survey conducted by RANEPA during 2022. The object of the study is the financial situation of the population in Russia. The subject of the study is the dynamics of indicators describing income and poverty. The results of the study show that in 2022 there is a decrease in real wages, real pensions and real disposable incomes of the population, retail trade turnover, and an increase in inflation. All this indicates an increase in the risks of poverty. Polls show that about a quarter of the population only has enough money to buy food, or even less than that; almost a third of the respondents have per capita incomes of less than 1 subsistence minimum. More than a third of the respondents have practically no savings: if they happen to lose all their income streams, they will be able to cover current expenses for no more than one month. More than half of the respondents report their need for additional social payments, more than 20% talk about the need for free food packages.
Published on 26/04/23
Submitted on 18/04/23
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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