research experience

  • Asociated Teacher Electronics and Circuits Departments (Caracas - Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of)

    Started: 2006-01-01 - Currently working.

    Telecom Group

    Raul Horacio Barroso Salcedo has been a teacher in the Simon Bolivar University in Venezuela and he is currently hired there as an associated teacher. His research interests include metamaterials, fractal antennas, multiband antennas, broadband antennas, and analysis and design of broadband matching systems. Raul Barroso has published an overall of eleven IEEE and IET articles as a main author in these areas.

teaching experience

  • Asociated Teacher Electronics and Circuits Department (Caracas - Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of)

    Started: 2006-01-01 - Currently working.


  • M.S.c in Electrical Engineering Universidad Central de Venezuela (Caracas - Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of)

    Started: 2006-01-01 - Finished: 2009-06-01

awards & achievements

No awards or achievemets info.

other experience

No other experience info.